At Salt Leadership, our philosophy is simple...

It's important you understand what we do at Salt.

What we don't do is sell training events, team building days, coaching programmes etc.

What we do sell is belief, behaviour, capability and confidence.

Our aim is to improve your profit by investing in your performance as a leader, focusing on positively influencing these 4 areas.

The Value of Leadership

The first question we'll ask you is...

Are you worth your salt?

It's all about you!

We work on a fundamental principle that leadership is the key to business success. Ever more so in these tough economic conditions, you have the power to make or break your success through your leadership, both of yourself and of others.

And now for the science bit...

Leadership Science & Statistics (for those of you that like the numbers)

There was a time when leadership development and coaching was viewed as a soft and intangible activity. Today, it has become as quantifiable as many other investments in terms of its return. Here at Salt, we work with a solid formula to determine the return on investment you see as a result.

We'll begin our relationship by clearly agreeing the results we expect to see, in tangible bottom line terms. Research has demonstrated that effective leadership coaching has the ability to deliver returns in excess of 500%.